Selected Paintings
 Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic paint, acrylic ink, and collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic paint, acrylic ink, and collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic paint, acrylic ink, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic paint, acrylic, ink, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic paint, acrylic ink, collage on canvas
 Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint,mica powder, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica powder, collage on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic ink, acrylic paint, collage, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica powder, collage, shellac on canvas
 Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica, collage, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica, collage, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic ink, acrylic paint, mica on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, acrylic paint, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, mica, acrylic paint on canvas
 Selected Paintings ink, mica, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, mica, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, mica, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, mica, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings Ink, mica, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, mica, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, acrylic, shellac on canvas
 Selected Paintings ink, charcoal,acrylic paint and shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink,charcoal, acrylic paint and shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, charcoal,acrylic paint and shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrlic paint on canvas
 Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink,charcoal, acrylic paint, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings charcoal, acrylic paint and shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings 60"h x 50"w  Selected Paintings charcoal, acrylic paint and shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink and acrylic paint on canvas
 Selected Paintings ink, acrylic, shellac, oil, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, oil, shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Ink, acrylic, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, oil, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, oil, shellac, printed images, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, oil, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, oil, shellac on canvas
 Selected Paintings Acrylic, shellac,  on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, ink, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, shellac,acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings ink, shellac, acrylic paint on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink, mica, on canvas
 Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink,mica, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink, shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink, shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, mica, shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, mica, shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, mica, shellac, on canvas
 Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink,shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, ink, shellac on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic,aluminum paint,oil on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic, mica,aluminum paint on canvas  Selected Paintings Acrylic,mica,shellac, on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint, mica on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint, mica on canvas
 Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, acrylic paint, mica, on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite, aluminum paint on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, oil paint on canvas  Selected Paintings graphite,acrylic, aluminum paint on canvas
 Selected Paintings  graphite, acrylic, oil paint, mica ,on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, oil paint, mica on canvas  Selected Paintings mixed media, on rice paper, on plastic  Selected Paintings mixed media on rice paper, on plastic  Selected Paintings mixed media on rice paper, on plastic  Selected Paintings mixed media on rice paper, on canvas  Selected Paintings mixed media on rice paper, on canvas
 Selected Paintings mixed media on rice paper, on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, enamel paint, shellac on wood panel  Selected Paintings acrylic, enamel paint, shellac on wood panel  Selected Paintings acrylic, oil paint on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic, oil paint on canvas  Selected Paintings acrylic,oil paint, shellac on wood panel